Friday, September 9, 2011

Flashback to gradeschool...Lunch packing 101

Every grad student knows we spend a lot of time on campus in the lab, library, or classroom either studying, sleeping, lounging, eating, whining about studying... One of the best ways I've found to save money is by bringing my meals to campus instead of going out every day. 

Depending on my schedule, I try to pack enough food that I will be satisfied and also have a snack in case class runs over.  The key, however, is to have a variety of packable foods so that you don't get bored with your lunchbox day in and out. When you begin your program, you will most likely get a tour of your facilities and be shown your student lounge.  Most lounges have a refrigerator and a microwave, so you can keep this in mind if you want to bring microwavable soup or a frozen meal!

Lilly Pulitzer lunch box
First, you have to get a good lunchbox that will be big enough for your meals and also insulate your food to the right temperature.  I carry a Lilly Pulitzer lunchbox (right) that I love because it's the perfect size and has a fun print.  I got it for about $20, and it has been well worth the investment.  You should also invest in a small icepack that you can put in with your food so it doesn't spoil (especially if you're packing a milk product, or leftovers that need to be refrigerated).  Its always good to remember to pack a napkin and also any utensils that you may need to eat your meal.

Here are two examples of lunch boxes that I've packed recently.  I like to mix it up and try to buy things that will pack easily in a lunch like individually bagged crackers, hummus, yogurt, durable fruit, sandwiches, cans of soda, etc.  You may want to invest in a set of Tupperware so that you don't have to go through plastic baggies everyday, but its up to you!
 The lunch on the left has an individual serving of hummus, pretzel chips that i put in a ziplock baggie, an orange, a can of DDP (my fave), yogurt (with a spoon), and a laughing cow cheese.  The lunch on the right has a salad with dressing on the side, crackers, and pretzel M&Ms (my guilty pleasure). Both lunches have enough to keep me satisfied for the day, give me a range of food groups, and are tasty!  The salad especially is one of my favorites to pack for lunch and the recipe is listed below.

Spinach and Peach Salad, complements of my mother!
  • Baby spinach, I buy the grocery store bagged spinach and use about a cup
  • Handful of blueberries
  • 1/2 Peach diced
  • Handful Macadamia nuts
  • Poppyseed dressing
 Mix the first four ingredients together and put in a Tupperware.  Put about 2 tablespoons of dressing in a separate Tupperware.  Remember to pack a fork!  Very simple, really good, and healthy :-)

Here are some other great lunchbox options, all of which can be ordered online:
Vera Bradley lunch box, $12.99
Built lunch box, $17.15
L.L. Bean lunchbox, $15.95


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